Mania Honar, Kerman, 2018
Translated by Vahik Khechoomian
ISBN 978-600-897-516-8

Vakxikon, Athens, 2016
Translated by Notis Paraskevopoulos
ISBN 978-618-5144-84-5

Zbirka Stopinje [“Steps” Series]
Literarno-umetniško društvo Literatura, Ljubljana, 2012
Selected by Ljudmil Dimitrov
Translated by Namita Subiotto
ISBN 978-961671775-5

Zhanet 45, Plovdiv, 2011
ISBN 978-954-491-717-3

Satirical Theatre, Sofia, 2011
ISBN 978-954-92751-1-7

Second Enlarged Edition
Trud, Sofia, 2009
ISBN 954-528-354-8

Second Edition
Trud, Sofia, 2009
ISBN 954-528-353-Х

World Theatre, Damascus, 2005
Translated by Mohamed Sa'id Al-Jukhdar
BIBALEX 891.8123 S899h

Napkút, Budapest, 2003
Translated by Lenke Csíkhelyi, Toso Doncsev, Andrea Genát, György Szondi
Illustrated by Anri Kulev
ISBN 963-863-654-8

Trud, Sofia, 2003
ISBN 954-528-354-8

Trud, Sofia, 2002
ISBN 954-528-353-Х

Zhanet 45, Plovdiv, 2000
ISBN 954-491-065-4

Zlatostrouy, Sofia, 1997
ISBN 954-8158-41-8

Zlatostrouy, Sofia, 1997
ISBN 954-8158-39-6

Landscape With Dog. The Bulgarian Way
Faber, Veliko Tarnovo, 1997
Translated by David Jenkins
ISBN 954-9541-03-7

Kobunsha, Tokyo, 1997
Translated by Misako Maki
ISBN 4-7704-0913-3 C0097
Contents: ローマ風呂騒動 [The Roman Bath]; スエードのジャケット [The Suede Jacket]; バス [The Bus]

Zlatostrouy, Sofia, 1995
Illustrated by Anri Koulev
ISBN 954-8158-23-Х

Zlatostrouy, Sofia, 1994
ISBN 954-8158-15-9
Contents: Mammoth (Мамут); It’s a Short Life (Животът, макар и кратък); Balkan Syndrome – 93 (Балкански синдром – 93); On the Other Side (От другата страна)

Edition A Die, Die, 1994
Translated by Miglen Mirtchev and Edmonde Chauvel
ISBN 2-908730-23-5

From the World Stage, NCCAL, Kuwait, 1994
Translated by Mohamed Sa'id Al-Jukhdar
BIBALEX 808.82 S9669

From the World Stage, NCCAL, Kuwait, 1993
Translated by Mohamed Sa'id Al-Jukhdar
BIBALEX 891.8123 S899

Erkyul, Sofia, 1993
Illustrated by Anri Koulev
ISBN 954-8301-02-4

Ivan Vazov, Sofia, 1991
Illustrated by Anri Koulev

Abagar, Veliko Tarnovo, 1991
ISBN 954-427-018-3

Actes Sud-Papiers, Paris, 1991
Translated by Catherine Lepront and Andrée Coconnier
ISBN 2869433050 / F71141
Contents: It’s a Short Life (La vie bien qu’elle soit courte); The Bus (Le Bus)

Bulgarski pisatel, Sofia, 1990

Sofia Press, Sofia, 1990
Contents: Short Sun (Недолго светило солнце); Wild Bees (Дикие пчелы)

Otechestvo, Sofia, 1988
Illustrated by Ivan Dimov

Bulgarski pisatel, Sofia, 1986

Third Enlarged Edition
Narodna mladezh, Sofia, 1986
Contents: Wild Duck Among the Trees (Дива патица между дърветата); Short Sun (Кратко слънце); Wild Bees (Диви пчели)

Odeon, Prague, 1986
Translated by Ludmila Nováková
Contents: Short Sun (Krátké slunce); Wild Bees (Divoké včely)

Raduga, Moscow, 1986
Translated by Nika Glen and Мira Mikhelevich
Contents: The Roman Bath (Римская купальня); The Suede Jacket (Замшевый пиджак); The Bus (Автобус); The Perfectionist (Максималист)

Little Theatre Group, New Delhi, 1984
Translated by Satya Prakash

Narodna mladezh, Sofia, 1984
Contents: The Roman Bath (Римска баня); The Suede Jacket (Сако от велур); The Bus (Рейс); The Perfectionist (Максималистът)

Otechestvo, Sofia, 1983
Illustrated by Petar Chuklev

PIW, Klub Interesującej Książki, Warsaw, 1983
Translated by Helena Madany
ISBN 83-06-00857-X
Contents: Short Sun (Krótkie słońce), Wild Bees (Dzikie pszczoły)

Narodna mladezh, Sofia, 1982
Illustrated by Aleksandar Aleksov

Поредица “Съвременна българска драма” [“Contemporary Bulgarian Theatre” Series]
Bulgarski pisatel, Sofia, 1982

Bulzoni, Rome, 1981
Translated by Piero Della Porta
Contents: The Suede Jacket

Second Edition
Hristo G. Danov, Plovdiv, 1981
Contents: Short Sun (Кратко слънце); Wild Bees (Диви пчели)

Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1980
Translated by Péter Juhász
ISBN 963-07-1963-0
Contents: The Suede Jacket (Velúrzakó); The Roman Bath (Római fürdő)

Second Edition
Otechestvo, Sofia, 1980
Illustrated by Nadezhda Gogova

Поредица “Съвременна българска драма” [“Contemporary Bulgarian Theatre” Series]
Bulgarski pisatel, Sofia, 1979

Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1979
Translated by Lenke Csíkhelyi
ISBN 963-07-1765-4

Bulgarski pisatel, Sofia, 1978
Contents: Short Sun (Кратко слънце); Wild Bees (Диви пчели)

Библиотека “Стършел” [“Sturshel” Series] № 250
Sturshel, Sofia, 1977

Поредица “Съвременна българска драма” [“Contemporary Bulgarian Theatre” Series]
Bulgarski pisatel, Sofia, 1977

Smena, Bratislava, 1977
Translated by Anna Sýkorová
Ilustrated by Vladislav Rostoka

Gözlem Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1977
Gözlem Çocuk – Aşama Dizisi: 13
Translated by Naime Yilmaer

Gözlem Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1976
Gözlem Çocuk – Aşama Dizisi: 9
Translated by Naime Yilmaer

Odeon, Prague, 1976
Translated by Ludmila Nováková

Volk und Welt, Spektrum No. 82, Berlin, 1975
Translated by Ingrid Stojkoff

Czytelnik, Warsaw, 1975
Translated by Marzenna Iliewa

Nasza Księgarnia, Warsaw, 1973
Translated by Helena Madany
Illustrated by Bоżena Truchanowska
ISBN 83-10-07606-1

Библиотека “Стършел” [“Sturshel” Series] № 199
Sturshel, Sofia, 1973

Narodna mladezh, Sofia, 1972
Illustrated by Gencho Simeonov

Bulgarski pisatel, Sofia, 1972

Библиотека “Стършел” [“Sturshel” Series] № 172
Sturshel, Sofia, 1971

Narodna mladezh, Sofia, 1969
Illustrated by Ivan Kirkov